ZHU Chasong
Publish Date:2016/08/18 Views:

Name: ZHU Chasong

Gender: Man

Degree: Engineering Ph.D

Title: assistant Professor

Research Interest: urban and regional planning

Courses Taught: urban comprehensive planning;

Urban and rural social investigation practice;  urban disaster prevention planning

Education Background:

2008-2013,Tongji University, urban planning and design, Ph.d

2001-2008, Nanjing University, urban planning, bachelor degree; master degree

Professional Experience:

2015-, Ximan University,

2013-2015, Institute of urban planning and design, Nanjing University Co.LTD.

Honors and Awards:

first prize and the third prize of Excellent survey and design system of urban and rural construction in Jiangsu Province, in 2014

Research Grants:

Youth fund of national natural science fund(50548485);

Natural science fund projects OF Fujian Province(2016J01262)

Publications(Journal Articles, Books and Translated Books):

Chen Meiwu, Zhuchasong. The theory and method of urban non-construction land planning. Nanjing: Nanjing University press, 2010.

Zhu Chasong, WANG DE, ZHAO Qian. A research on the relationships between spatial extension and highway network planning. Urban Planning Form, 2014, (1): 60-64;

ZHU Chasong, WANG De, LUO Zhendong. Centrality and Power: a method of analyzing city network spatial structure. Urban Planning Form, 2014, (4): 24-30.

ZHU Chasong, ZHANG Jingxiang. Dilemmas and reasons of urban non-construction land protection. City Planning Review, 2008(11):41-45.

ZHU Chasong, ZHANG Jingxiang. A resurvey of the planning role in consideration of the spatial accumulation and polarization in the globalization ear. Human Geography, 2008(1):52-56

ZHU Chasong, LUO Zhendong, HU Jiyuan. The research of urban non-construction land’s classification based on ecological sensitivity analysis. Urban Studies, 2008(4):30-35

ZHU Chasong,ZHANG Jingxiang. Predicaments of Non-construction Land Protection of cities and corresponding  Reasons;China City Planning Review,2009(1): 44-49

Office: 411


